Sunday, November 8, 2009

Work Out or Be Out Worked

Everybody is out here trying to get it. Get it Get it Get Win It Win it Win it. What happens when you are working so hard at something and it seems like nothing is coming your way?

There is a sixteen year old boy who has repeatedly been running away from home. The last time he ran away he was gone for 6 days, completely defeating his mother's spirit at the same time annihilating all trust and hope she struggled to maintain for him. When he showed up at my door, he was cold and hungry, his feet were sore from "walking the streets" for days doing who knows what to "make that money". My mom and I talked with him, while he showered and attempted to rinse some of that life off of him, I made him some vegetarian spaghetti. He was very hungry and informed me that in a few bites he was definitely going to be looking for the meat.
He ate, we talked, and as he sleeps in my bed right now while I am on the couch writing this, I still don't know what he is searching for and if he ever really really thought he would find it. He said he was looking for quick money. But if quick money were on the streets, everyone would be on the streets looking for it, and then of course there would be a shortage of that very thing that is in high demand.
My friend told me at the gym, "Lisa, Work out or be out worked." I guarantee you that while you are not working out those issues or "problem areas" in your life that are standing in between you and your success and happiness, someone else is working at or already has worked out that very thing and is now a little closer to a destiny that could be yours. This confused teen is not working out his issues and he went out on these streets and got out worked. His naivetee has led him down a very common path of fail fail learn fail fail stumble fail fail getting it fail fail understanding. In counseling him, I am reminded that I make the same mistakes of neglect and habit that he is making. And I am experienced at working out.

This week I am working out for him. If you can lead by example, please do. Someone IS watching you, and only you can determine what it is they get to see.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you. You have no idea how much your words empower me, love!

    I will work it out. I promise :-)

    Now, I want to talk about Master Cleanse. It is the BOMB to detoxifying yourself. But coming off of it is another thing ENTIRELY.

    I hope you have not gone anywhere NEAR a scale since you started it because this was my experience. While doing the Master Cleanse, I lost like 20 pounds in two weeks. As soon as I went off of it, I put on 15.

    THIS IS NORMAL! Let me just say that again.....weight gain after the master cleanse is 100% NORMAL!

    I just don't want you to get discouraged if you gain weight when you come off of it. That's what happened to me. Instead of rejoicing about the 5 net pounds I actually lost, I beat myself up for not losing 20. D'OH! I wish that I knew then what I know now.

    Just go by measurements. I hate the stupid scale. It was invented by the medical industry for women to torture themselves.

    LOVE YOU!!!!
