Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yes, I THInk I Love MY Body

I feel really good today. Since last time, I bought 2 Gallons of Pure Aloe Vera Juice and I have been drinking it everyday with Apple juice, or lime juice, or plain. Not only is it a tissue rejuvenator, not only is it ultra soothing to my vocal chords, but my intestinal track is getting a pampering that it never dreamt of receiving. Not to mention my skin is getting some much needed internal hydrating as well. My Green tea made a comeback this week also. Good to see you again, Green Tea. Time, my personal trainer, ripped me a new one this pass week! For most of the week I trained outside and concentrated on cardio. I have had so much stress lately that I was honestly waiting for tomorrow to get here just so I could go and run it out. The mental training and discipline required to take you to the next level in the game is really what the arduous repetitions are about. I jogged so many laps by Wednesday, I was proud of my heart and lungs by Thursday, AND my legs,... for all having my back :O) On Friday, we just lifted weights, mostly arms -triceps and biceps, and some legs, quads. Then we sealed the deal with ab work. I told Time, " I'll be so sore this weekend, I won't be able to pick up the fork to cheat if I tried!"
He said that was the point. And I know it is a basic concept, but I am just now understanding that my body runs directly on what I feed it. It's not like my psychy or my emotions or ME, affected by my environment, influenced by other external sensory experiences that can help me grow and mature. No, we feed our bodies the fuel to make it run. We run our bodies to maintain the mechanical integrity of the model, and if it needs a tune up, then we will definitely feel it because this body is our vehicle. It is what we are given ONE time and ... understanding that now, I appreciate how my body has been here for me throughout the years when I have been highly abusive to it at times. But looking forward, me and my body are working on us, our communication, our trust and provisions for each other. Our love. That's it. I think I love my body. Yes! I do. And I want her to be happy. She deserves it.

This week, I know I must push myself a little further in my runs, dipper digs, further extensions and more heart. A little pass last week. I want to lead with my heart, follow with my mind, and trust my body to have my back. I've been visualizing my ribcage leading the Team BODY around the course and not my feet. It makes me stretch my obliques and open up my solar plexus in a way that encourages optimal oxygen delivery to my heart and lungs. My water intake has been good but can be better. And this week, I start in the garden. Yes to Spring! Let's cultivate and revel proudly in the fruits of our labour, shall we?


  1. thanks for reading! please subscribe! Light, Lisa E

  2. tru.. can anyone translate alll of the chinese on my post for me? i guess i appeal to a chinese community. rad.
